Hello Friends after a very long gap I have found an Docomo trick this trick is not invented by us neither tested by us it may not work but try it at low balance and report us about it...
The Trick is very simple and easy you just have to follow some simple steps an you are done but as this ticks only works for android users only This is an vpn trick so lets not waste time lets go to the trick directly
Note: This Trick Is Only For Android Phones
Step 1- Just Visit This Link and signup (the link will redirect you to droid vpn which is a very new vpn provider network.)
Strep 2- Now Download This "APP" From Google Play in your mobile and install it.The app is called DroidVPN
Step 3- After installing the app in your phone open it and go to menu>settings and put the following settings:
Step 4- Save these settings and leave other as default
Step 5- Now Connect with droidvpn using apn as TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET
Done Enjoy Free 3G on Your Tata Docomo Sim for free and Don't forget to like us on Facebook
The Trick is very simple and easy you just have to follow some simple steps an you are done but as this ticks only works for android users only This is an vpn trick so lets not waste time lets go to the trick directly
Note: This Trick Is Only For Android Phones
The Trick:
Step 1- Just Visit This Link and signup (the link will redirect you to droid vpn which is a very new vpn provider network.)
Strep 2- Now Download This "APP" From Google Play in your mobile and install it.The app is called DroidVPN
Step 3- After installing the app in your phone open it and go to menu>settings and put the following settings:
- Connection Protocol- udp
- UDP Port- 9751
- Bind Local Port- xx
Step 4- Save these settings and leave other as default
Step 5- Now Connect with droidvpn using apn as TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET
Done Enjoy Free 3G on Your Tata Docomo Sim for free and Don't forget to like us on Facebook
1 blogger-facebook so far
Thanks for sharing this such a great information about Vpn Android i shared this info to my all facebook and twitter friends because this info helps to everyone