aircel unlimited free 3g highspeed offer trick july 2013

aircel offer and tricks

hello friends, welcome to mobile gprs tricks. today i am come back with aircel unlimited free 3g highspeed offer july 2013 by aircel telecom network. aircel launch a new and fresh offer for aircel user .free 3g data for 30days. its mean now you can access youtube or other live video streaming site between ( 6am -- 9am ) download big file,play online games,download software with aircel prepaid sim card.

features of free aircel internet 3g offer

 how get this offer

  • first activate  3g in your aircel mobile
  • send message  Start3g to 121
  • after activate 3g in your mobile
  • dial below ussd code in your mobile
  • *122*456#
  • and wait for approval 
  • done enjoy free 3g internet 
 source --- aircel official site 

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