This reliance high-speed 3g internet trick based on fly-proxy network front query proxy. reliance front query nice working in opera-mini handler and other uc web handler. this front query get 525kbps downloading speed in rajasthan. i am also provide you video tutorial for your help' How To Config. Reliance Front Query In Pc'. free internet reliance 2g and 3g using HRT modded handler.
I am using Kamulater Lite Software for using .jar File In My Pc
I am using Kamulater Lite Software for using .jar File In My Pc
How To Setting In Mobile For Free Reliance Gprs
- activate internet in your mobile phone Send Sms - All To 55100 for setting through sms
- Goto reliance smart-net default setting and edit with below configuration.
- account name All updated tricks
- access point name Smartnet
- wapgateway proxy ip address
- proxy port 8080
How to Config. reliance Front Query In Handler
- Download any uc web or opera mini handler
- put below Back query in your installed handler
- then put reliance unlimited gprs front query
- last install your opera-mini and other handler. this take a some time
- Done......... if any problem comment below.