New Vodafone 3G Trick October/November 2014 Working Trick

Hello Guys,
Providing All New Vodafone 3G Multiple Vpn Configs combo Tcp Vpn Trick October, based on high speed proxies will help you to get high speed proxy while downloading and browing . Now browse unlimited Youtube without disconnection surf facebook Download Unlimited what you what because there is no restriction doing all these using this.

In this configs pack i have included working files for multiple vpn so that you can prefer which you want to use and predict the high speed .

Features And Requirements for Vodafone 3G Tcp Vpn Trick
1.Use with 3g Balance .(It will work if its connects with zero)
2.No Disconnection Problem is there using Vodafone 3G Nmdvpn Trick .
3.Based on Fastest Vodafone 3G Tcp 443 Nmdvpn Trick Protocol.
4.No speed capping is there in Vodafone 3G Tcp 443 Nmdvpn Trick .
5.No Sim blockingin this Vodafone 3G Tcp 443 Nmdvpn Trick.
6.Works on blocked sim also.
7.No Registration Required using Vodafone 3G Tcp 443Trick.
8.APN- www (At Data Balance or Or with Zero Balance)
9.Speed up To 500 KBps.

Steps For Vodafone 3G Tcp Vpn Trick
1.Download The Attachment of Aircel 3G Tcp Trick.
2.Install Nmdvpn.
3.Put configs Here : Below Provided Path.
4.(C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config).
3.Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
4.Just Connect and Enjoy unlimited Vodafone 3G Tcp Trick.
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