How to Use Cell Phone GPS to Locate Someone

The GPS units embedded in modern cell phones use satellites in geosynchronous orbit to provide precise locations. Ordinarily, people use this to get turn-by-turn directions or figure out where they are. Cell phone GPS can also be used to locate someone if you have the right information. Here's how to keep track of people using cell phone GPS.It can also be used for locating some one through all the world.


*Cell Phone with GPS Technology


  • 1.
    Ensure the person has a GPS-enabled cell phone. Older cell phones can be tracked by other methods, but it is more difficult and less reliable than GPS methods. Some cell phone companies are making this service easier to get and may offer it the next time you get a new cell phone.

  • 2.
    Register the phone with a site like The site allows you to locate a teen's cell phone and even monitor how fast he is driving. You'll have to install the AccuTracking software on your cell phone before the site will be able to give you this information. From the phone you want to track, download the software from the AccuTracking website. From there, you may log into the system and view information about the phone's whereabouts within 100 yards.
    Contact the authorities. In an emergency, police and other agencies can triangulate a person's location based upon where the person's cell phone pings. Cell phones stay in constant contact with cell phone towers, and these records are maintained. Official agencies will be able to help you cut the necessary red tape.

  • 4.
    Use a site such as Mologogo to find your friends. The Java-based application helps you stay in touch by posting your location in real time for your acquaintances to see. Just log in and look to see where your connected users are currently located. The map you see after logging in will allow you to get easy directions to meet up with the person for whom you're searching.

  • 5.
    Employ a service such as Mapquest Find Me. For a small monthly fee, you can use your cell phone to search for people directly. Imagine; you're walking down the street, wondering where Bob is. After you start the application, you'll be able to see a dot representing Bob and make your way there.

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